
This site is an archive of papers, posters and other materials which explore research on poetry matters in the classroom.

The materials all originated from the successful ESRC Poetry Matters seminar series which ran in the UK in 2011 – 2012. The series focused on many aspects of poetry pedagogy from a range of theoretical and practical perspectives presented by poets, teachers, teacher educators  and researchers from Canada, Malta, the United Kingdom and the United States.Two major publications from the series are:

  • Making Poetry Matter: International Research on Poetry Pedagogy by Bloomsbury (due May 2013) which includes versions of many research papers from the series, commentaries by series’ participants and an Afterword by Myra Barrs and Morag Styles.
  • Making Poetry Happen: Transforming the Poetry Classroom (Bloomsbury, due Dec 2014) which will include case studies, workshop materials and reflections by poets, teacher educators and teachers who have taken ideas from the series and developed them in their own classrooms.


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